The break is over, and time to get back to work. The last 12 days have been, well I am not really sure there is a word to describe them. Of course Christmas was in there and time with family and so many good times but so was the 12 days a prayer for my team. I can't think of a word in my vocabulary to describe it so let me just try and write what it was like.
I started with my head coach and continued down the roster. Each day I focused on a different player. I also prayer form them as a whole. I prayed for them several times throughout the day. I focused my prayers in two main areas. I prayed, as my Pastor often says, that God would meet them at their most personal need. Although I spend so much time with them, I don't know what their personal needs wants and desires are. I don't know all the intimate things going on in their life, but HE does. So I just prayed that whatever it was they needed in their life that HE would meet them there and guide them in the way He felt best. My second focus was on their relationship with HIM. Again I don't know their heart and could only pray that if they did not know Him personally that He would draw them to Himself as only He could. I also prayed that He would reveal Himself to them as only He could in a way that they needed. I also prayed for their families, their academics, and the safety both traveling and in playing. Last I prayed that no matter the outcome of the rest of the season that they and I would give Him all the honor and glory.
Now this was the first time I had attempted to pray for my players like this and I realized I should have been doing it all along. Although I was praying for them, God was teaching me. He was teaching me that in order to really lead them the way I want to lead them, I must first take them to and leave them at the cross. As a coach, a person and a leader there is only so much I can do. He has to be a part of what I do. One ot the Goals I recently wrote for my coaching was that : I will produce a positive change in my players by supporting them and encouraging them. These past 12 days I have learned that the best way to support and encourage them is through prayer. Its funny how in today's would we tell people "I'll pray for you". But how often do we really do that. I have learned this week, don't say unless you intend to do it.
All of that to say this, I now have a new and very different relationship with my players that even they don't know about. It's amazing how intentionally praying for someone will do that. It really changes your perspective of them. It changes how you see them and even treat them. It's almost if you begin to see them through HIS eyes. That's what I want to be able to do as a coach. I want to see my players, opponents, fellow coaches and everyone involved in and around the game as God see's them. I want to be able to make a positive impact in their lives, not to say I did but because that's what God has called me to do. I coach because I want to transform my players' sense of their own worth, talents, and values. Praying for them is the only way to open that door!