So I just back back from my first "official' act as a college coach. I met the head coach at a tournament to scout/recruit some players. I will have to admit, that yes I was a bit nervous going in, but also very excited. It was was really cool getting to go into the "NCAA coaches only" door a and sitting in the "NCAA coaches only" area. I figured we'd both just sit there together and kinda discuss the process and who and what she was looking for and just enjoy the games. However, she gave me a brief 5 minute overview about what to look for gave me a list of players and said, "I'll be over at the next court if you have any questions."
At first I was like um OK sure now what. Then I realized that even though she hadn't known me that long she obviously trusted my judgement and skills enough to be able to do it on my own. I was honored but still very nervous not to let her down.

I'll admit it was very strange sitting in that "special area" watching players for the soul purpose of trying to get them to come to my school to play. I have 'scouted' teams before for the purpose of knowing how to play against them later, but never have I watched a game or players for recruiting purposes. I found myself in the first part of the game going between coaching mode and pure spectator mode. It was tough because I wasn't coaching in the game but I needed to be in some sort of coaching mode. However, I also wanted to enjoy and take in all aspects of the game without just watching it for pure entertainment. I think I found my happy medium about halfway through the first 15 minute period, or at least that's about when I looked down at my paper and noticed all the notes I had taken. Once I was able to pick out the 3-4 players on each team that I thought would work best for what we were looking for, I settled down and really focused in on my "mission".
As I sit here and write this, I have no idea if any of those girls I took notes on will ever come to our college and play basketball. I hope that at least one the 8 or 10 that I took notes on will. If so, the coolest part about it is knowing that I was there for the beginning of the process and I was the one that put them on our radar. Now I am not sure if that's pressure for the future or more like wishful thinking. All I know is that I am going to learn more this season than I ever thought possible. The next chapter in my basketball education started today and I am extremely excited about what lies ahead. I know it will be hard, pressure packed and a whole bunch of other things. The best part about it all: I GET TO LIVE IT!!!
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