Friday, September 7, 2012

Bench warmer to Coach

Too many times I have set out to try and keep up with a blog but always fail because I just loose interest in either the blog or the topics.  However, I think I have found a good combination that will keep me busy at least for a few months until I get in the habit well enough to keep it going.  want to know what that topic is?  BASKETBALL.

As many of you know I have a true passion for basketball.  I played it in high school, although some would say not very well.  However, those years of mostly "riding the pine", gave me some invaluable experience that I believe made me a much better coach than I ever was player.  I learned the game from observation.  I learned the ins and outs of the game.  I learned the situations of the game and how to or how not to handle them.  I learned how to handle and not handle players.  I learned how to coach and not coach them game.  I basically learned how to be a true student of the game and how to makes those around you better.  I learned those things that can't be taught in school or by a coach.  Those things that can only be learned by in depth observation. I did all of this by watching junior high, high school, college and even some pro basketball.  Its not learned in books although i read several of those as well.  I learned from watching true basketball movies such as Hoosier's and Glory Road.  I learned how to coach by not only observing the game and the players but the coach's as well.  Coach's like those I had at JMS when I first really starting play.  Those like Eddie N., who really showed how a coach needs to care about his payers and how they carry themselves.  Those like T.D.  Who had a passion for the game and a heart for his players with the gentle caring spirit that he taught us how to play.  Those like Sonny who for lack of better terms show me how to fight for what you now is right even if others think its wrong.  Those like Missy, though I never actually player for her at college, I went to most home games and learned how to coach the game with passion and intensity that flows to the players.  I spent years watching Pat Summitt win NCAA championships.  Also learning valuable lessons about what it takes to win.  I learned a side of here that most people don't from reading her books and books about her.   Those things like how to put players first, how to treat players as people, how to allow your team to bond well.  She is an inspiration to all coaches and all women.
All of these things culminated in my life shortly after I graduated seminary and began coaching.  I spent one year at a local christian Private school coached 6th, 7th and 8th graders.  The next year i made the move to a local christian high school.  I helped build an almost nonexistent program into a decent team.  I stayed there for 2 years .  Then I took a step away for a year only to find out I missed it too much so i volunteered to teach a group of 5th grade boys in a city league.  Then I went back to the high school scene.  This time to a private school for students with learning difficulties.  This program had made national news just 2 years earlier for being on the wrong end of a lopsided score, to say the least.  I worked hard to give the program its respect back and learned more from these girls and parents then I could have ever imagined.  That's where I am today.  Looking into the future ready for October 15th to roll around.  However, I am more nervous now looking forward than ever before.  Why?
I'm going back to college.  No not as a student but as assistant coach.  Yes that's right, I have gone from high school bench warmer to college coach.  I have had a semi-secret dream since the summer of 1992 at JMS, when my basketball career officially started.  That dream, to become a college head coach.  I know it was there all along but it hasn't been except in the last few years I have began to really let it out.  I guess turning 30 will do that to a person.  So as I look forward to October 15th again this year, I also look forward to my step big step to my dream becoming a reality.  That's where this blog fits in.  As I begin that road to my dream, I want to share it with you.  Follow me through the season as i share thoughts and insight to what its really like to see your dream become reality.


  1. I know at least one of your players learned that a good coach's lessons extend far beyond the basketball coach

    1. Thanks. I hope all my players learned those valuable lessons I tried to teach them for both on and off the court.
