Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tip Off Time

Well I must say its been a long time coming but the start of the official season in just about about 40 hours away.  The relationships are getting better.  I really think things for both coaches and players is really starting to settle in and making everyone a bit more friendly and getting to know each other.  It has been a really good week.
Last Thursday we had and Exhibition game against the Australian Institute of Sport.  It basically amounts to the training facility for their junior Olympic team.  While the score was a bit one sided, our girls had a blast and really learned so much about themselves and each other.  They just enjoyed the experience, since most of them will never get a chance to play against and international team, they really took it all in. We are proud of the way they handled the entire situation.  It really became a real bonding experience for us all and gave our leaders a real chance to step up and encourage the team.
Friday we host our tip-off tournament.  It will be a great weekend and hopefully in the mix we can pull out a win.  I am looking forward the the entire weekend although I am sure I will crash hard when its all over.  That is to recover just in time to jet off to California for our Thanksgiving tourney.  Guess that's the life of a college coach.  Loving every minute of it!!!!  The late nights, the tired days, the sore muscles, the long drives!  Yeah it takes its toll but hey I rest up for 7 1/2 months for 4 1/2 months of pure joy, passion, love and adrenaline.  Makes it all worth while.  Can't wait to do this for a living.  I long for the days to make what I love ALL that I do!!!!!  They will come, Lord willing!

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