Sunday, June 9, 2013

Control -- Third lesson

I love playing video games and have since I was a kid.  Nintendo first came out and we thought we'd hit the big time and retired our Atari.  I still love all those buttons.  I guess I have a thing for buttons.  Even the TV remote just feels nice in my hand.  I've often wondered why but one day I realized its about control.  Video games are fun because you get to control something that in real life you don't have control over.  One of my all time favorite Nintendo Games was Top Gun.  I loved flying that fighter jet on one mission after another and then the thrill of landing it on the carrier and seeing the words MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.  If only life were that easy. 

The next lesson I have learned through all of this (and am still leaning even as I write this) is :

God is in control and no matter how much I think I am or wish I was, I AM NOT!

I am not sure why that is so hard for us as humans to understand, remember and get right.  Going into to basketball "off-season", I thought everything was great.  I was planning my recruiting, planning my summer, planning my work schedule.  Only problem was the "MY".  God had a different plan and HE wanted me to know it right off.  He knew things needed to be better in my personal relationship with Him and he knew there were better places for me to show His love and glory.  He took me out of the college where I was so He could put where He wanted and needed me.   

So I jumped in full force.  Did all I could to find my next coaching "gig" and the place to do His work.  Then is came.  the "perfect" fit.  A christian high school with a growing program that has had a tarnished reputation to be rebuilt and needed someone to do that.  They had a great future ahead of them and I just knew I was to be a part of it.  The initial interview was awesome (had she had her choice I think she would have offered me the job on the spot).  Then the second interview with the board came.  It was sorta strange.  Not a lot was said or really talked about.  I did my best to present myself the same way as before.  The tension (dealing with parents) was though but I came away thinking it went well.  I just knew I had it.  I was even getting my plays ready and planning the first meetings.  But then.....the email came.  I smiled when I saw it pop in my inbox because I just knew what it said.  I clicked, I read , my heart sank.  "we have decided to go with another candidate."  I couldn't believe it!!  That was MY job!  No one could have been more qualified or prepared for it than me.  It took a few days to get over but I soon realized again God was in control.  There was a reason He didn't want me there and there was reason He needed me somewhere else.  

So even today I wait!  I have 2 great opportunities that are even better than I have could imagined.  Either would be wonderful.  I wait for the decision of others to decide my future.  I wait for God to show His wisdom of where He wants me.  I wait for God to have grace and mercy on this wondering soul to find a place.  I wait, because God has the controller and only He can land the jet!

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