Monday, October 14, 2013

Slowly Growing

One thing I have learned over the years of coaching is that growth takes time.  Growth of the players into the team that you want them to become does not happen overnight or even in a few practices.  It's one of those things that slowly develops over time.  It can be very frustrating for me as the coach and for the players.  We tend to have the mindset that it should happen more quickly and as much as we want it to, it doesn't.  

One of the teams now has 2 scrimmages under their belt.  The first scrimmage was hard to watch.  It seemed we could get nothing right.  We had a hard time running our offense and was just throwing up 3's because it seemed they didn't know what to do.  It was not pretty.  Tonight we had our second.  While it wasn't pretty either, it was night and day difference in running our offense and our shot selection.  It was GROWTH.

Yes there is still growth that needs to happen and yes it will take time, but it WILL happen.  We, the players and me as a coach, need to keep that in mind and just continue to get better.  I don't expect it to just happen overnight, as much as I would love it to, but I know it will.  The hard part for all of us is not to get frustrated and down on ourselves for not being where we want to be.  The important thing is that we recognize where we need to get better, and work hard to do so.  We have to be careful not to get stagnant but continue to grow no matter how little it may be.  Its important to just KEEP SLOWLY GROWING!!

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