Saturday, October 26, 2013


It's amazing to look back over the past month and see the progress things have made. Being a country girl.  I compare it to farm tractors.  Less than two weeks ago I felt like we were kinda like this.

We had a scrimmage this week and it was good to see that we had made great progress.  I'd say we were a little more like this:

Our goal of course would be to be more like this:

I do see us getting there but it will take time.  Right now we are in the process of tweaking the little things we need to in order to make things happen the way we want.  It is also the process of team chemistry.  Seeing that most of these girls have not played together at all or that much makes things hard on them.  Once they learn each other and really start to "gel" I think things will really start coming around.  To me that is one of the hardest things about coaching because it is something I can't control of fix and really have nothing to do with.  You just have to sit back and let it happen.  You can't force it and push it to move faster and depending on the team you never know how long it will take.  Just have to wait for it.
The good part is that my players can see the progress they have made and know things are working.  One of them even said it was just a matter of time and when the chemistry come around we'd be much better.  Its nice to know they feel the same.  I think maybe some team building may be in order.    That will really help.  As I told a parent the other night, when things come around and really start clicking they will be fun to watch.  WE will all be sitting on the edge of our seat until til because we know its just a matter of time.  We are still :

Monday, October 14, 2013

Slowly Growing

One thing I have learned over the years of coaching is that growth takes time.  Growth of the players into the team that you want them to become does not happen overnight or even in a few practices.  It's one of those things that slowly develops over time.  It can be very frustrating for me as the coach and for the players.  We tend to have the mindset that it should happen more quickly and as much as we want it to, it doesn't.  

One of the teams now has 2 scrimmages under their belt.  The first scrimmage was hard to watch.  It seemed we could get nothing right.  We had a hard time running our offense and was just throwing up 3's because it seemed they didn't know what to do.  It was not pretty.  Tonight we had our second.  While it wasn't pretty either, it was night and day difference in running our offense and our shot selection.  It was GROWTH.

Yes there is still growth that needs to happen and yes it will take time, but it WILL happen.  We, the players and me as a coach, need to keep that in mind and just continue to get better.  I don't expect it to just happen overnight, as much as I would love it to, but I know it will.  The hard part for all of us is not to get frustrated and down on ourselves for not being where we want to be.  The important thing is that we recognize where we need to get better, and work hard to do so.  We have to be careful not to get stagnant but continue to grow no matter how little it may be.  Its important to just KEEP SLOWLY GROWING!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Little Things

Despite what some may say, little things are important both in basketball and in life.  The problem with little things is that they can add up to big things.  Take rebounding for example.  If you don't rebound the ball you can't score and the other team can.  That means you lose the game.  There is not one coach I know that would tell you rebounding is not important.  Yes its only one small aspect of the game but it is important.  However, I am talking about even smaller little things.

At the beginning of the season I told the girls that their attitudes and their treatment of their opponent is very important to me.  One thing I want them to get in the habit of doing is helping their opponent up when they are on the floor.  I know it seems like a minor things but it is important to me because it is a sign of respect and I want them to ALWAYS respect their opponent.  I also watch their attitudes closely both in practice and games (when we get to start them).  Attitude can tell you so much about a person and what they are thinking and doing and also thinking of doing.  I don't want a girl on the floor who is not in the correct frame of mind to play.  There are little signs everyone give off whether they know if or not about their attitudes.  I do my best to learn these early in the season and use them to me advantage all season.  If I feel a player is not the the correct state of mind to be on the floor, she will come out.

Take for example when a player gets angry at their opponent,  that is an easy one to spot.  If a player becomes angry at their opponent, they tend to not play well because they are more worried about what made them angry and possibly getting back at their opponent.  I for sure don't want it to come to that.  So I take them out and don't let them go back in until I am sure they are calm and the anger is gone.

As a Coach not only do the little things matter in my players, they matter in ME!  The little things I do make a huge difference in my players or at least I hope they do. Little things like writing personal notes of encouragement to them or praying for them by name on a regular basis whether they know if or not.  Encouraging them instead of talking down to them when they make a mistake and definitely never saying anything derogatory or using curse words as so many coaches use.  They way I carry myself on and off the floor makes a huge difference.  I want to make sure they my actions and my words match even in the little things.  Not getting angry myself when things don't go my way but instead trying to find the good in the situation and building on it.

So do the little things matter??  You bet they do!!  Why do they matter??  If the little things don't matter then the big things mean NOTHING!!!