It's been a tough week for me. Monday I was unexpectedly terminated from my job (my non-coaching job). I must say I really didn't see it coming but I had been looking to leave for some time. Non the less it was tough to take. I have NEVER been terminated from anything. What made it even worse was that I was given no reason. Usually when I do something wrong I like to know about it so I can correct it for the future. Now I don't have that chance because I was not given a reason even though I asked, they refused. I drove home mad and emotional. I didn't know what I was gonna do. I sat in the silence of my living room not knowing how to react. I think the only thing that kept me from totally breaking down were my sweet dogs in my lap wanting to play and snuggle. Soon I had to pick myself up, put my game face on and head to pracitce.
It was all I could do not to show the emotion or frustration I was feeling inside. Basketball is my outlet and it certainly was that day. For those 2 hours I could forget about the "real world" and all that had happened and just focus on my team. It made me cherish them and our time together even more. Tuesday was hard. Nothing to do. No outlet. I think I almost feel into depression if not again for my dogs. Funny how they can do that. Then Wednesday came, and basketball practice again. We had "family time" before pracitce when we get together for devotional time and just talk. At the end of this time I was handed a stack of cards and told, " we wrote these for you but you can't read them till you get home." I just smiled. The week before I had written cards to each of my players and told them the same thing. I had written those cards not to get anything in return but just to encourage my players and let them know I cared. I had done it for other teams but never had a team written me ones back. I stuck them in my bag and couldn't wait to read them.
Practice that day was a little more laid back and fun cause that's how I felt. After the last 2 days of contemplating, I needed some fun. So that it was. On the drive home after pracitce I kept thinking about those cards and couldn't wait to get home and read them. I walked in grabbed the stack and sat in my chair in the silence of the living room and began reading (thankfully my husband knew to stay away, Love you honey!!!). Shortly thereafter tears began to roll down my cheeks. Their words so pure, innocent, loving and perfect. It was exactly what I needed. Just simple things like "thank you", "be strong", I'm glad your my coach" among others. They all touched my heart so dearly. I was overcome with emotions. Some had been bottled up for days and others just appearing but all coming at once. I only knew of one thing to do. I bowed my head and prayed. I prayed for those players and for God allowing me to be their coach. I prayed for God's hand on them, on my and our season. I prayed thank God for knowing just when I needed their encouragement and finally for His guidance in my current situation.
Those girls didn't know what I would be going thorough when they wrote those cards, but God did. They didn't know I'd need a pick me up on that day to see something God wanted me to see, but God did. That night after I read and cried and prayer, God reminded me that He is in control. He knows whats best for me and the HE WILL provide no matter what. He reminded me that I am to lay it all in His hands and He will take care of it. I have tired my best to do that with this team but fallen short in the rest of my life. Guess He was just reminding me of that also. He knew a little encouragement would go a long way!!

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