Friday, August 23, 2013


My hope was to sit down and write about what an awesome first week I had with my new team but those words just aren't coming.  I am not saying it wasn't awesome because it so was.  Probably the best first week of a season I have ever had.  Instead however, I keep thinking about the players themselves and the impact on their lives. 

So far I have had the privilege of meeting 15 of the most Godly young ladies ever to the grace the court.  Every time I see them I can't help but smile and I don't know why.  Every time I think about it I just get giddy.  These girls are AWESOME!  No matter what situation you put them in or what rigors I  put them through, they do it all with a smile on their face.  Not once have I heard a complaint, which considering the "torture" I have put them through the past few days says  a lot. I have coached junior high, high school, private school, public school, and even college but NEVER have I encountered a group with that give it all no excuses attitude.  I have thought long and hard about why they have this totally different attitude then any other team I have coached and I can only think of one thing -- B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.

Now as you notice I am using BEAUTIFUL as an acrostic.  This is actually the basis of a weekly devotional time that I will begin with the team in a few weeks.  It will be called family time.  I came up with this long before I met any of these girls (got the main idea from a coaching friend and came up with my own version).  It was just something that God laid on my heart to do doing the summer and I see why now because these girls are truly B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L  For those of you wondering here's what it stands for:


Each word has some scripture and devotional thought and application to it but I won't give those away just yet.  I may or may not share those on here during the weeks we are doing them.  My point in this however it that I can already see those young ladies taking their BEAUTIFUL shape and that's what set them apart.  I am not sure why God chose me to help them discover their BEAUTIFUL selves but I will allow Him to use me to do so.  I pray He will help me be BEAUTIFUL so that I can help them as well and that my life would be a continuing example of His love and His true BEAUTIFUL grace.

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