Friday, May 17, 2013

Roller Coaster Ride

I feel like I have been on a roller coaster ride lately.  for the record....I HATE ROLLER COASTERS.  Never been a fan of them.  I have been on one small one and one big one in my life and if I NEVER get on another it will be too soon.  I think i was brainwashed to get on them them.  But, that's beside the point so ... moving on.

AS I was patiently waiting for the summer recruiting to start, I got an unexpected notice that my services would no be needed at the college and it seemed the downhill spiral began.  I must saw I was devastated and that is probably an understatement.  I felt disrespected, depressed, and discarded.  I just wanted to crawl in a hole and die.  For days I walked around in a fog trying to go about my regular routine, but the anger I felt would not go away.  Finally a friend and co-worker asked me what was wrong.  After some struggle I finely said it out loud and suddenly the fog began to clear, extremely slowly.  Somehow, just saying it out loud seemed to begin to put things in perspective.  It was then that God began to use this lowest point in my life to teach me on of the greatest lessons I have learned so far.  It has been a month since I first got that unexpected notice and today I think I finally got off the roller coaster.  God has and still is teaching me so many things about myself and my coaching.  What seems most amazing about it is that I haven't learned these before.  And I know that its not because God wasn't there trying to tell me, its just that I was so caught up in things that I didn't take time to listen.  I think He finally decided to make sure I listened.  Sometimes God has to do things to get our attention so we will just lean on Him and listen.  This was the case from me.  He had to get me to a spot where in order to listen to Him, He had to take away the one thing that I was putting before Him.  I know that's the issue.  I was putting my coaching career before Him and He had had enough.  So He took it away, at least long enough for me to realize which was more important.  He has taught me so much this past month and I will share more of that later.  But for now I need to continue to seek Him as I get of this roller coaster and allow my feet to get replanted on the "Solid Rock"!

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