Monday, October 22, 2012

First week !

Wow what a week!!!  I wasn't sure if i would survive but I did.  I think I have finally learned all the girls names and can even call them by the correct one when needed.  I am starting to feel more and more comfortable around them and getting in there and giving them tips and coaching them up, slowly but surely.  I even have a few girls that I am really boding with and hopefully lots more of that to come.  They are starting to feel comfortable with me too it seems  most of the will at least say "hey Coach C" when i walk into practice and others will actually ask how things are going and carry on a conversation. 

You know it really funny the difference between high school and college.  I never really  thought about it before and even though they are about the same age, there is a big difference.  When coaching high school you still have to talk to them as "kids" not like little kids but still not adults.  College you talk to them like adults but not as equals since you are their coach.  Its a fine line that's hard to find sometimes and can often be different with each person. 

I am learning so much, i couldn't begin to tell you about.  Although I miss being the head coach, its a nice change of pace to be involved and yet take a back seat.  Problem is I don't think i want to stay int he back seat.  I at least want to move up the the passenger side front.  I know that's where I should be and I know that I will eventually get there.  Its just gonna take time.  My goal this week is to feel comfortable enough by Friday to to step and and be vocal in practices more and show every one I really know how to coach.  That way when games start I'll be comfortable enough to do it there.  I know I have to pick my times wisely so not to "take over" but I know once I do it things will come so much easier.  I'll let you know how it goes!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Practice Makes Perfect

Well today was the first day of practice.  It was the most excited and nervous I have been about one one thing all at the same time.  I decided I am just gonna ease myself into it for a day or two.  For the most part I just observed.  That was a good thing because I helps me remember that I am not in complete charge of everything as I am used to being.  I thought it would be hard to not just jump in there and do it but it turned out it wasn't, at least for now.  Maybe as things go along it will be.  The head coach had me do some drill stuff with them which was good.  Got me involved at a nice pace.  The we split up into groups and I got to do a bit of coachng and instruction.  I am sure more will come out as i feel more comfortable with the the whole idea. By the end of practice I was felling pretty good.  I could name most of the players and got at least half of those names actually for the correct person.  I was settling into my role pretty well.  Kinda nice not having all the pressure of being the head coach but still being able to coach.  The girls are great and easy going.  The head coach is awesome and we get along really well.  If tonight is any indication this is gonna be and awesome year.  I really impressed myself with taking to it so well.  I can even run the offense through in my head, which is saying a lot considering I have never seen anything like it before.  Yes we have a long way to go but things are off to a wonderful start.  Next mile stone is first game.  Got exhibition game on Nov 8 (my birthday) then first really game Nov 16th in tip off tourney.   Tine for a second countdown???

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

First Team Meeting

Well Just had our first team meeting.  and while it was mostly boring stuff it was nice to finally meet some of the girls or at least see their faces.  Its also nice to see that they are just as excited about the season as I am.  The head coach introduced me and told the girls a little about me and that was about it.  After the meeting was over there were a couple of girls who actually came up and introduced themselves, which was really nice.  Also got my official playbook but and some free clothes, with a promise of more to come.  On the way home I couldn't sit still driving, I was giddy with excitement.  It was all I could do not to drive 90.  I think i may have to pinch myself come the first practice and game to see if this is really happening, although I am sure the knots and butterflies in my stomach will be enough to tell.  To quote for Jimmy Buffet, "Come Monday I'll be alright."  OK maybe not exactly but Monday does start practice so at least I'll be better.  If you miss it on my Facebook I did put a countdown timer just to let you know how excited I really am.

I know its short but that's about it.  Maybe more after Monday!!!