Saturday, March 8, 2014

No Regrets

As I look back over this past season and especially what has transpired in the last 2 months I am reminded once again that God has a plan and He alone is in control.  I will spare you the details of the past 2 months but things were very similar to the Roller Coaster post from last May.  As a side note, I really hope that this is NOT and every year thing... not sure I could take that.

Anyway, in spite of all that has happened there is one thing I can say with unwavering confidence: I have no regrets! 

The point about having no regrets is for several reasons.  First and foremost, its about my approach for the season.  I went into this season with a very different way of coaching, God's Way.  I wanted to show that it could be done and that it could be successful.  I prayed earnestly both before and during about how I was to do this.  I know without a shadow of a doubt that everything I did pleased God and that was what I set out to do.  I was speaking to someone just after things happened and without even thinking about the following  words came out of my mouth, "I know I did things how God wanted me to.  I know I brought glory to Him." To which the person replied, "That's all you can do."  For this very reason, I have no regrets and nothing anyone says or does can make me think otherwise.  Some people may say I did things wrong or things were not good enough, but it wasn't for people I was doing it.  I know this is a strange concept in coaching and it might not go over too well with a lot of people but again it is NOT for people I do it.  If it were, I could not be sitting here talking about no regrets.  I'd be sitting here writing about second guessing myself and wondering what if, but the truth is I am not, and that is because of who I coach for and why I coach.  I coach for God.  I don't coach for myself, my players, their parents of anyone or anything else.  I coach because God has laid a specific call on my life to do so.  He has called me to do this and I do it for no other reason but to bring glory to Him and please Him. Ecclesiastes 2:26a says, "To the person who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness."  So why wouldn't we want to please Him?

Another reason I have no regrets is the relationship I built with 18 wonderful young ladies and many of the parents.  I know many of these will be friendships that last a lifetime.  I know God brought each one of these people into my life for a reason.  Many of them still stand behind me and support me through this time.  That has made things a little easier to swallow.  If it were not for their love and support during the season and during this difficult time, things would have been much worse.  

Through it all I have been constantly reminding myself, 'ALL FOR HIS GLORY'!!  If I didn't believe that life would be much worse. 

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