Friday, February 1, 2013

Basketball is Life ?

Well, its been a long week.  Things outside of basketball seemed to creep up but thankfully, God is in control and all is working its way out.  The stress was tough but God is TOUGHER.

  As for basketball, well that's been tough as well.  Last weekend we played the top two teams in the conference.  We played decent on Saturday and stayed with them for awhile but wasn't able to finish, which seems to be our problem quite often.  Sunday we played... well we won't talk about that one.    We also had a rare mid-week game on Tuesday evening.  It was against a lesser opponent and one that we needed to gain so momentum.  We were able to win fairly easily but did not play all that well.  However, we were able to get some really good game minutes in for our bench and hopefully that will help us in the long run.  They played really well considering some don't play that much.  Now its off the Colorado this weekend and hope to pick up a very important win.  We have split so far with them and this is our chance to really make a statement.  Playing in the altitude will be tough on our players but I know they can do it.  They just have to play like I know they are capable of and not just like what they think they can.  There is a huge difference there sometimes.  As a coach it is out job to remind them and help them focus and what we know they are capable of and not just what they think they can do. 

With that said, this week reminded me that basketball can skew our thinking sometimes.  Sometimes we get caught up in the "basketball world" and forget about the real world.  As a coach this is very easy to do.  You focus on basketball and your team and its almost like you allow that to take over everything and we forget about life outside of basketball.  This week reminded me that even though I might want to think differently, there is life outside of basketball and it continues on whether I want tit to or not.  Luckily, as I said at the beginning, God is in control and not I.  If I were, from October to March would be strange for everyone else.  I am thankful that God has blessed me with the opportunity to do what I love, coach.  I am most thankful that He continues to keep control over all even when my focus turns elsewhere.  Despite what I may sometimes think, basketball is NOT life! 

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