Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Sometimes I just have to laugh at my life.  I mean really rolling on the floor laughing (ROFL), or at least that's what it feels like.  That's the way I feel these past few weeks.  I had this grand plan all summer about what I wanted to do this up coming year and when I wanted to be (coaching wise).  Apparently God had other plans.  He was probably sitting up there ROFL, not necessarily at me but just at the situation and the thought that my plans would actually be better.  I hate that feeling but at the same time I love it.  I hate it because I hate being wrong, but I love it because it reminds me yet again that He knows better than I and I am glad He does.  Let me fill you in.

I went into this summer trying to find a new position for the up coming school year.  I went into it with the mind set of I want to coach at the varsity level and wouldn't compromise on it.  Funny how we think we know best.  I found, applied and interviewed for several "perfect" positions.  I thought all interviews went great and saw myself being offered several of those positions.  God had other plans.  One by one each "perfect" job fell by the wayside. As summer was getting close to the end I realized I was in an almost desperate situation to find a job, any job.  So I began to apply for the dreaded junior high jobs.  

Low and behold a few days later I got a call and went in for an interview.  I was impressed with the school as it was much different than the other schools.  Their mission and character emphasis stood out. The joy and the passion  I saw from the employees and all involved was contagious the moment I walked in.  The interview went well.  It seemed for like a chat over coffee than and interview which was strange to me but I came away feeling good about things.  Six hours later I was offered the job.  Yes six hours.  I had searched for months and nothing but now within six hours time everything feel into place.  Honestly, I still wasn't thrilled about junior high but I sucked it up and plodded on.  I still looked for other opportunities but nothing really came about.  Then the time came to really get into the meat of my new school.

We started some training sessions the last week of July.  With each passing hour the passion for my job, the joy in my heart and the excitement for the up coming year grew.  I slowly began to realize, God had put me right where He wants me to be.  I may not know exactly why that is for sometime but I do know that it is He who put me there and that's all that matters. I have come the this realization in the last 48 hours: I am where He wants me to be for this moment and as long as I continue to follow Him and do what he wants me to do, it doesn't matter if that is in junior high, high school, college, or even the NBA (announced today the hiring of a female assistant NBA coach).  You see its' not the where that matters its the what or more specifically the who.  Its not where we do what we are suppose to do but its who we do it for.  My level of coaching doesn't matter as long and I am doing it for Him!