Sunday, December 30, 2012

I Coach

The break is over, and time to get back to work.  The last 12 days have been, well I am not really sure there is a word to describe them.  Of course Christmas was in there and time with family and so many good times but so was the 12 days a prayer for my team.  I can't think of a word in my vocabulary to describe it so let me just try and write what it was like. 

I started with my head coach and continued down the roster.  Each day I focused on a different player.  I also prayer form them as a whole.  I prayed for them several times throughout the day.  I focused my prayers in two main areas.  I prayed, as my Pastor often says, that God would meet them at their most personal need.  Although I spend so much time with them, I don't know what their personal needs wants and desires are.  I don't know all the intimate things going on in their life, but HE does.  So I just prayed that whatever it was they needed in their life that HE would meet them there and guide them in the way He felt best.  My second focus was on their relationship with HIM.  Again I don't know their heart and could only pray that if they did not know Him personally that He would draw them to Himself as only He could.  I also prayed that He would reveal Himself to them as only He could in a way that they needed.  I also prayed for their families, their academics, and the safety both traveling and in playing.  Last I prayed that no matter the outcome of the rest of the season that they and I would give Him all the honor and glory.

Now this was the first time I had attempted to pray for my players like this and I realized I should have been doing it all along.  Although I was praying for them, God was teaching me.  He was teaching me that in order to really lead them the way I want to lead them, I must first take them to and leave them at the cross.  As a coach, a person and a leader there is only so much I can do.  He has to be a part of what I do.  One ot the Goals I recently wrote for my coaching was that : I will produce a positive change in my players by supporting them and encouraging them.  These past 12 days I have learned that the best way to support and encourage them is through prayer.  Its funny how in today's would we tell people  "I'll pray for you".  But how often do we really do that.  I have learned this week, don't say unless you intend to do it. 

All of that to say this, I now have a new and very different relationship with my players that even they don't know about.  It's amazing how intentionally praying for someone will do that.  It really changes your perspective of them.  It changes how you see them and even treat them.  It's almost if you begin to see them through HIS eyes.  That's what I want to be able to do as a coach.  I want to see my players, opponents, fellow coaches and everyone involved in and around the game as God see's them.  I want to be able to make a positive impact in their lives, not to say I did but because that's what God has called me to do.  I coach because I want to transform my players' sense of their own worth, talents, and values.  Praying for them is the only way to open that door!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

12 Days of Prayer

It has been a rough week.  Around the nation people mourn and cling to what they love.  This time made us all stop and think.  We realize so quickly that though we may think we are safe we really aren't  There is evil everywhere.  Unfortunately this week, we were reminded of that yet again.  Although our world will never be the same, we must go on.  I feel in many ways sports helps us do that.  It certainly did for 9/11.  It did a few weeks ago for the KC Chiefs and has for several others this year.  Sports helps us take our mind away from the awful truth of the world if only for a little bit.  So with that said I continue with today's post.

We had a rough game on Saturday.  It was our first conference game and it was a battle.  We had a chance to win at the end of regulation.  All we had to do was hold the ball for a few seconds and it was ours.  Unfortunately, it didn't turn out that way.  Sure there were many other chances we had to put it away and should have but that last few seconds it was just glaring.  Everyone was crushed.  WE had it only to see if slip through.  Then on to overtime.  Again several opportunities slipped right past and in the end we lost by a point.  I have always said as a coach or player that I would much rather loss by 100 than by 1 and that still rings true.  I know that may sound odd to many but there is logic.  If you get beat by 100 you know there was really nothing you can do.  If you lose by 1, you start looking at all the coulda, woulda, shoulda.  IT HURTS!

Walking into the locker room after that game I was disappointed.  Usually, win our lose there is some chatter and laughter coming from the players on the other side of the door.  As I opened it and walked in, I was met with a cloud of SILENCE.  Needless to says coach's post game wrap-up was short, not so sweet and to the point.  As I walked through the silence to exit the door on the other side, my heart broke for them.  I have worked with these girls almost everyday for the last 2 months.  Never had I seen such sadness from them at least not collectively.

That silence and sadness stuck with me the 22 hours.  I thought about what I could do to make things better.  To some how connect with them and let them know it would be better.  As an former athlete, when a lose stings like that you don't anyone saying anything to you.  It's just something you just have to deal with yourself but I still felt compelled to do something.  Then, sitting in church this morning, it HIT me.  The Lord really convicted me to pray for them.  Not only as a team, but each one by name individually.  Most of them are catholic and the others I am not really sure but the fact remains that God loves them all and made them all.  What better way to show my team that I love them and cherish their beings and long to help them than to take each one of them day by day to the feet of my Heavenly Father.  He is their Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace and Comforter.  What better gift could I give them this Christmas than to bathe each one in prayers to the One who knows exactly what they need.

So instead of the 12 days of Christmas, tomorrow I start the 12 Days of Prayer.  I will take the head coach and each player one by one to My Father in prayer.  Each day I pick I different name and left them up.  I don't know all of their needs, fears, worries, etc, but I know the One that does.  I must admit this is a little strange to me.  I have never done this for any team I coach, but the Lord just really laid it on my heart to do today.  If anyone wants to join me here is a link to the roster.  Please feel free to do it as you feel lead.  I know they, like I, could use all the pryers we can get.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Well this entry will be short and sweet.  The team has been off sense last Wednesday and starting this week I won't be able to make it to that many practices due to my work schedule.  I realized on the way to work this morning that I am going through basketball withdrawal.  I never really have experienced this before.  Just makes me wonder, if its this bad now, how much worse will it be when the season is over.  Not sure I can handle that.  My hope is that it will be better because I know its over which right now isn't the case since we are in the heart of the season.  Guess we will wait and see.  Hopefully practice tomorrow will take away my withdraw symptoms.